anything is possible.

Tribute painting, SGT Eugene Williams. July, 2005.

Mouth and Foot Painting Artists [Member] Dennis A. Francesconi pays tribute to SGT Eugene Williams by creating this special piece following a touching e-mail message from SGT Williams wife Brandy. This special artwork includes SGT Williams military identification upon the “ID tags” within the painting. This is the third time that Dennis has honored a fallen soldier with a special remembrance piece. When asked why he has done this, Dennis replied, “Mrs. Williams wrote to me just to say ‘thank you for doing the right thing‘,– regarding what I had done in honoring PFC Harris. She was not aware of the first Freedom tribute piece done in honor of PFC Rincon. The date and place of SGT Williams death immeadeatly sounded familiar to me. I researched it, and found that PFC Rincon and SGT Williams were killed in the same bombing attack. I shared this information with Mrs. Williams and then I offered to honor her husband with a Freedom tribute as well. Again, the right thing to do.”

* SGT Eugene Williams, 24, of Highland, N.Y., was killed on March 29th in Iraq when a suicide bomber posing as a taxi driver pulled up close to a roadblock north of Najaf and waved to the troops for help. He was one of four U.S. soldiers who died; including PFC Diego F. Rincon, 19, of Conyers, Ga. Ironically, Dennis’s first tribute painting titled “Freedom” was done in honor of PFC Rincon.

In this photo, Dennis is carefully adding SGT Williams military identification to the special Giclee’ print created specifically for SGT Williams wife and his two children— July, 2005.