Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Inc., Atlanta.
[The USA Publishers for the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists, Worldwide]

Although Christmas-related products tend to be the most important source of our income, there are a number of useful products that can be purchased and used at any time of the year.
To order MFPA Products [online], go to our publishers web site at and click on the [SHOP NOW] link. That’s it!
The Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists is a for profit International Corporation, [owned by the artists]. We’re not a charity. The Association is comprised only of artists who have lost or never had the use of their hands due to illness, accident, or birth defect. The Association safeguards the interests of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists through the successful marketing of our products. Our designs are created by holding a brush with either the mouth or foot. The Association has been in business for over 60 years. We do not seek pity, what we do seek is an opportunity to earn an honest and independent living.
Our goal is to provide you with quality products at a fair price. We offer,— greeting cards for all occasions, a beautiful full color annual art calendar, stationery, gift wrap, and more. Thank you for your interest!
Contact information.
Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Inc.
2070 Peachtree Industrial Court
Suite 101
Atlanta, Georgia
email: [email protected]
[Atlanta] telephone (770) 986-7764 telefax (770) 986-8563