anything is possible.

Mouth Painter Dennis Francesconi Uses Case Air to Create Timelapse of Work

Here’s a recent piece published at … Posted by: Tom Pitts on Jul 10, 2018.

Bio: As the result of a water-skiing accident in 1980, — Dennis A. Francesconi [then 17] was permanently paralyzed. Since then, through hard work, determination, and the support of his wife Kristi, Dennis is once again on the fast track and making things happen. It all started in 1989 when Dennis taught himself how to write using his mouth. From sketching to water colors, what was first doodling for a few minutes became hours. In early 1993, he heard about the prestigious Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists, Worldwide [AMFPA] and quickly submitted samples of his work for review. By late 1993, Dennis was accepted as a Student Member. Just 5 1/2 short years later, he had climbed the ranks to the much sought after Full Member position— which gave him the opportunity to remove himself from 19 years of public support.

Dennis thrives on working as a Member Artist of the Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Inc. in Atlanta. Follow Dennis online at and on Instagram at @sconiart.

Creating Timelapse Videos with the Case Air Wireless Tethering System

Dennis originally used a GoPro for awhile to create a timelapse, but had mixed results. “The battery would go out quick, and the GoPro on a tripod would have to be very close to me.” In looking for an alternative, Dennis searched for an option to remotely trigger his DSLR camera without using a cable, preferably using his smartphone. He says he came across the Case Air Wireless Tethering System and decided to purchase it based on positive reviews he read online.

“I’m on my fifth video using the Case Air and I absolutely love it,” says Dennis. “I control the camera from my phone next to my easel and I setup the video using the timelapse feature in the Case Remote app. Plus, the ability to adjust the aperture, ISO and white balance from the app then see how the change of settings affects the image really helped me learn how to use the manual feature on my camera.”

See Dennis in action in the video below, and learn more about the Case Air at